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Synapsis is a music project launched in 2009 on the initiative of Dawid Chrapla and Andrzej Turziak. Charpla was a member of such formations as Hated Bruit Kollektiv, ADTX and Abtybiotix, and performed solo under a pseudonym Nojsens. He also collaborated with such artists as XV Parówek, Arszyn or Hubert Napiórski. Turziak is responsible for projects Multipoint Injector and Wulgata. The combination of their music fascinations brought into existence a duo working on the border of their different music worlds. The music by Synapsis is a unique form of industrial, noise and dark ambient, based mainly on mechanical samples taken directly from factories and foundries. Although it is rooted in the industrial tradition, there is no space for pure noise here – it is rather focused on trance meditation. The duo's compositions, due to their use of the whole range of aftersounds and distorted echoes, may at times appear disturbing and sinister, but as a whole they mainly present diversified, etheric soundscapes of different tones and sounds. In these pieces there is no place for excessive aggression – what we find here is a rich dose of pulsating hypodermic sound energy.