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Even today one can create music filled with nostalgia, beauty and melody and without cheap and tender stardust – Rome, leaded by Luxembourgian Jerome Reuter, is excellent example of this fact. In our times, when neofolk genre was considered dead and eating its own tail, Rome seems to be a future and rescue boat for the whole neofolk scene. There is no place here for plain guitar chords. Music of the project transgresses conventionality, enters the grounds of postindustial esthetics and adds experimental quality to it. This fresh combination of sounds – crafty guitars, martial rhythmics, accesible melodies and entrancing dark voice – can enchant the listener and take his mind on a trip to other worlds. In some songs combinaton of guitars and synths Rome goes far beyond neofolk, and embracing dar and new wave. Sound atmosphere, which is offered to us by tha band, is full of intimacy, contradictory emotions, gloominess and harmony. This is a fresh breath of neofolk.