D I D (Hania Piosik)- since over 10 years collaborating with artists of various music and art genere. Took part in international art festivals (inter alia ; Garbicz Festival, Soundrive, CNK; Transitions Festival), hacklabs and art residencies (i.a. WISP LABORATORY LEIPZIG, Ortsgespraeche/Goethe Institut). Her main passion is searching for sound anomalies that influence the passing time (one of such is her latest experimental LP "Life is a ping pong delay" released by Gusstaff Records, that is a divagation on cyclic phenomena in the universe). During peculiar liveacts, main mission is to re-enact the sense of security in attendees (upcoming: END OF XIBALBA LP/ 2020). Floating on the waves of infinite loops, brings up particular feelings of „levitation". Problematic for some, might be the fact, that journey is supported by improvised vocal tales led in commonly unknown language... But what if strickt definitions of words sometimes hold us back from understanding the core meaning and intention?